Code: P-251
AMEO 340 lightning detection system, by INEO, will anticipate lightning strikes
within a 15 km radius of the sensor and warns the user of the possibility of a
lightning strike and also indicates actual strikes.
The AMEO 340 lightning detector is used to analyse storm related meteorological
The unit provides warning of approaching storms so that lightning risks can be
anticipated and preventative action taken.
The equipment continuously measures the electric field at ground level that is
approximately 150V/m. An approaching storm, depending on the storm clouds and
topography of the area, the reading can jump tens of KV/m, that is conducive to an
electrical discharge to ground.
The AMEO340 unit analyses the electric field changes over a 15 km radius, which
provides between 15 to 20 minutes notice of a potential risk. A wider area can be
covered, providing a longer lead time, by using a number of units in a network.